Monday, May 14, 2012

Achieve High Self-Esteem -- By Barry Austin

Every person has an image of themselves in their mind. A self-image that forms a picture of who and what they are, and this image has been formed by all the people they have interacted with, through their childhood, adulthood and into old age: it is these influences that have a bearing on their self-confidence and self-esteem.
It will be these influences that will form your self-image, and have an effect on your self-confidence and your self-esteem.
If these influences have been positive praise and rewards for your achievements: your self-esteem will be high. If, however these influences have been negative, your self-confidence and self-esteem will be dangerously low.
Suffering from low self-esteem leaves you vulnerable to a whole host of destructive emotions such as depression, self-harming, alcohol and substance abuse.
You will encounter difficulties in your relationships, and in your work and career. All these frustrations will lead you to develop a victim mentality.
But the good news is that these negative influences can be controlled and eventually defeated. Once this has been achieved, you will begin to restore your self-esteem.
Listed below are some simple guides to assist you in building up your self-esteem.
Learn to filter out any negative remarks: otherwise they could shatter your self-confidence and self-esteem. Close your mind and ears to them.
Concentrate only on positive comments and remarks. However learn to accept some criticism, as it may be justified: after all nobody can be perfect at all times. Analyse this criticism to see if there is anything positive you take from it. However if you feel there nothing positive, just close your mind to it. Do not dwell on anything negative.
Unnecessary confrontations and arguments should be avoided if at all possible. You will gain nothing from them except a bad feeling. Apologise to anybody you may upset as soon as possible. This will make you feel good about yourself and avoid any guilty feelings. You will also make friends.
Achieving high self-esteem is vital to your wellbeing and it will not be achieved in one go. You should look upon it as a journey in which you are about to take the first step. Do not try to rush things. Make small advances and build the foundations of your self-confidence and self-esteem. Reward yourself in some small way for every landmark task you complete. By following these simple guide lines and ideas, you will achieve your feeling of good self-confidence and high self-esteem in time.
Low self-esteem can ruin peoples lives:but it can be overcome.

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