Monday, July 9, 2012

You Are an Energy Being -- By Brandon Songer

I want to talk about what you really are. Most people identify with their physical body as who they are. They rarely stop to consider the matter more deeply. In your body, you have millions of nerves that receive signals from the brain. These signals tell the nerve to operate your muscles in a specific way. These signals are electrical in nature and travel at nearly the speed of light. If you consider that even the most minute movement will generate an electrical signal to each part of the body that is moving, you will see that these signals are moving through your body constantly.
Because of the extreme speed of these signals, this inner outline of your body would always exist. There would never be a time when these signals aren't there. Your body uses what is called "proprioception" to keep track of where all of its parts are in relationship to each other. This is why you always know where you arm is. Your body learns this as a child. As an adult it is second nature to you. Now, if you could make these signals visible and if you could remove the flesh and only look at the electricity; you would see a second body of electricity, shimmering as it vacillated between different patterns of movement.
This second body is completely made of energy. This makes you an energy being.
Another idea to consider is that when you taste, touch, smell, see or hear something, that data is converted into electrical signals just like in your home stereo. The brain takes that data and converts it to a different format to use and store. All of the information gathered by your five senses is converted into electricity for by the brain.
When you decide you want that glass of water across the room. You first convert the image of the water into electricity and process the image in your brain. Then, you make a decision to get that glass of water. Your brain issues the electrical signals needed to cause your body to move in the correct way to stand up and walk across the room to get the glass of water. More signals are sent as you grasp the glass and begin lifting it to your mouth.
As you drink the water, your tongue and mouth are sending electrical signals back to your brain reporting the temperature of the water, the taste, the smoothness, how thirsty you still are, how heavy the glass is, how much water is left in the glass, etc. Again, all electricity.
This is why it is important to always drink plenty of water. Electricity needs a medium to travel through. Water is the most abundant substance in your body and the most adequate for this job.
Give time each day thinking about the electricity running through your body. You are not who you think you are. You are an electrical being. Just as we cannot see microwaves or radio waves but we know they are there, we also can experience our electrical nature both intellectually and experientially. As you continue to reflect on the nature of your being, you will be creating other bodies that are made of other forms of energy.
To learn more about energy beings I suggest picking up Energy Beings. Energy Beings gives nearly two hours of in-depth discussion about ghosts and other beings. Eric also gives some of his personal encounters with the good, the bad and the down right nasty.
Higher Balance Institute is the world leader in advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the psychic sense. It is the most comprehensive and unique program of its kind, designed to produce direct, real personal paranormal experiences to learn from. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time. For more information, free eBooks, classes and videos visit us at The Higher Balance Institute []

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